Exploitation Activities by the Project Partners
Exploitation is evolving among the participating countries. After and along with dissemination activities, exploitation activities are being undertaken. Exploitation and dissemination show some overlaps when convincing and encouraging other institutions to exploit the project’s results and the aim of shared effective cooperation are treated.
All three participating countries are very much involved in activities to exploit Blended Programme in this last year of its lifetime. Visits will be paid to other departments within own institution or to other VET institutions, schools of higher education, organisations for workplacements and more/other in order to get more implementation.
For the analysis and the evaluation of our exploitation activities questionnaires are used. Partners receive a questionnaire three times during the project’s lifetime. By means of these questionnaires we will focus on the following factors:
- The national exploitation strategy of each partner. Are we all able to exploit?
- Which parts of the national exploitation strategy will be/is possible to be exploited during the project’s lifetime. This questionnaire will also be received by participating students.
- How is exploitation after the project’s lifetime guaranteed?
The answers to these questions help us, participating countries, to see the differences and similarities between partners. The answers can be seen as guidelines in the activities undertaken nationally. By means of the national exploitation strategy each partner is announcing its intention to exploit BP. It is to the partners’ interest and responsibility to realize the proposed exploitation strategy plan after the project’s lifetime.
In the last part, the third analysis, the focus will be on external exploitation. This can be done by visits paid to other schools, organisations at which partners try and convince the use of the results of BP.
Success of Exploitation
Successful national exploitation is fulfilled when partner has decided to implement BP or parts of it, in its organization and if some have decided to do some external exploitation like sharing good-practice.
Exploitation can be farther reached when partner collaborates with schools/organization locally, regionally, nationally or internationally.
Materials to Exploit