Blended Programme Conferences
16 February 2016 conference Blended Programme in Raalte, Netherlands
The steering board of ‘ Blended Programme’ says that the conference was successfull, and all members of the organizing commitee want to thank every participants of a fruitful conversations and effectual networking.
Here's some nice pictures of the conference:
11 November 2015: Conference Blended Programme in Finland
The first conference took place in Finland. 11.11.2015. We had a nice amount of participants concerning the companies, students and Sataedu staff and a representative from FI NA CIMO.
During the conference we got a comprehensive viewpoint of BP process so far, including student's presentation from the last period, skype conversation with recent students in Carlow etc.
In additoin FI NA interviewed the coordinators, student, and the company representative, focusing to many different points in BP. The link to the interview wiil be here very soon: