
Blended Programme is publishing newsletter every 3 months. Please find our updated news regularly.

Third project meeting Finland



 BLENDED PROGRAMME meeting number 03

 09, 10, 11 and 12 November 2015





10.30 – 20:30  Monday, 09 November

09:00 – 17:30  Tuesday, 10 November

09:00 – 17:.30  Wednesday, 11 November/ mini-seminar

09:00 – 12:30  Thursday, 12 November

Second Project Meeting in Carlow

Project Meeting 2            BLENDED PROGRAMME


Date of meeting:


16, 17, 18, 19 February 2015

Meeting location:

Carlow, IE


Leena-Kaisa Hyllinen – Sataedu,Finland

Outi Puolanne – Sataedu, Finland

Danny Baron – CIELS, Ireland (host)

Sjoerd Ganzinga – Landstede, The Netherlands

Margriet Leest – Landstede, The Netherlands (project coordinator)




First mobility in January 2015

21st of January, 2015,  six Finnish students and four Dutch students are starting their Blended Programme period in Carlow. Everyone are quite eagrly waiting for the departure and upcoming studies and tasks in the internship places. Before their departure all students are busy with their cultural and language courses but at least Christmas holidays give some rest for these preparations.
